Hanoverian Stallion Licensing 2017
001 Arpeggio Quidams Rubin 40
007 Cascadello I For Keeps 42
008 Cassini II Stakkato 341
013 Cornet Obolensky Stakkato 42
014 Contendro I Stakkato 40
014 Contendro I Stakkato 53
015 Cristallo Boy Cassini I 42
017 Darco Valentino 43
022 Grey Top Laptop 344
022 Grey Top Laptop 352
026 Perigueux Stolzenberg 42
028 Quidam de Revel Cassini I 55
030 Silvio I Vulkano 51
030 Silvio I Vulkano 59
033 Stolzenberg Fabriano 40
036 Toulon Stakkato 45
040 Belantis Ampere 30
040 Belantis Ampere 59
044 Dancier Bonifatius 58
045 Dancier Weltmeyer 31
045 Dancier Weltmeyer 35
046 Danzador Royal Highness37
046 Danzador Royal Highness72
053 Don Nobless Sandro Hit 30
056 Escolar Rohdiamant 34
057 eedback De Vito 32
059 Farrell Sunlight 30
062 Finest De Niro 53
064 Finest Lauris Crusador 32
065 Finest Rotspon 32
070 Firestone Gribaldi 31
072 For Romance St Moritz 35
073 For Romance Royal Diamond 33
075 Franziskus De Niro 52
076 Franziskus Royal Blend 31
080 Fuerst Belissaro Don Primus 30
085 Fuerstenball Sandro Hit 34
091 Livaldon Christ 30
093 Livaldon Worldly 332
093 Livaldon Worldly 379
095 Millenium Despaerados 32
096 Millenium Donnerhall 50
097 Negro Christ 32
097 Negro Christ 54
098 Quaterback Lauris Crusador 30
102 Scuderia Belissimo M 74
105 Sezuan Donnerhall 17 32
105 Sezuan Donnerhall 17 79
109 Toto Jr Sandro Hit 333
110 Vivaldi Fidertanz 30
110 Vivaldi Fidertanz 32
111 Wild Child St Moritz 35
136 Dohnanyi 05
142 Carebis 01
143 Quincy 03
144 Gentleman Auffarth 04
145 Grey Top 06
149 Spoekenkieker 07
155 Rotspon 17 12
155 Rotspon 17 22
Ask Tammo or Hanni Ernst for further pictures of the licensed and unlicensed stallions.
Any use of the images published in the catalog (print and online) from the photo session in Verden must be requested directly to us as the copyright holder of all photos by Werner and Tammo Ernst. Gladly we email you all existing photos of the desired stallion without obligation for preview / selection.
Of course you can ask also for photos from all past approvals and auctions of the last decades.
For all offers, orders and publications you can find the use of our terms, which are available at http://pferdebild.de/en/
Of course, this also applies to photos of Werner and Tammo Ernst, which may already be available, eg. as a photo print, file, catalog photo or scan.
Previews of my photos on this website are only for your personal view / selection. Any publication (for example on facebook, blogs or other websites) is prohibited without our prior approval.
Photo files “for private use” without specific indication of use, we can not handle.
Please have a look at our Price List.
October 31st, 2017 | Category: Photos 2017